We’re nearing the month of October and holiday preparations have been in full swing here at Banjo.com for over a month! We have been unpackaging new banjos, setting them up, inspecting them, and getting them prepared to ship to their new homes.
We have also been busy putting together our annual list of the best banjos for beginner players. These banjos were chosen based on popularity, affordability, durability, and of course – tone!
Here are our top three recommendations for beginner banjo players
Goodtime Openback
One of the banjos that we are featuring in our 2022 best-of picks is the Deering Goodtime Openback beginner banjo. This banjo is a great choice for someone who is looking to purchase their first banjo or for someone who wants to add a second banjo to their collection. The Goodtime Openback is an affordable, entry-level banjo that is handcrafted in the USA with quality materials. It’s super lightweight which makes it great for traveling. This banjo is easily our best-selling openback banjo.
If you are looking for an affordable, high-quality beginner banjo, the Deering Goodtime Openback is a perfect choice!
Goodtime 2
The Goodtime 2 is another great beginner banjo from Deering. If you’re looking to dabble in bluegrass-style playing, this is a fantastic entry-level banjo. When the banjo is played, sound waves stay trapped inside the resonator, giving it a warm and powerful echo. Like the Goodtime Openback, this banjo is made by Deering in California by experienced luthiers.
The sound is amazing for the price!
Goodtime Special
The Goodtime Special is a great choice for someone who wants all the features of the Goodtime 2 but with a Deering tone ring. If you are new to banjos, a tone ring changes the tone of the banjo. Many describe the transformed sound as warmer or sweeter. If you’re looking for a banjo sound closer to the music from the 1800s, this is the best-built, most affordable option. Deering has been making tone rings since the 1970s! They’ve got the recipe down!

The Deering Goodtime banjo produces a vibrant ringing tone from its natural finished violin grade maple rim. Easy to play! Durable and easy to maintain! At only 4 pounds, the weight makes it ideal for both children and adults to play and to travel with conveniently.

Just like its little cousin, the Goodtime banjo, the Deering Goodtime 2 is rich on sound and value. The Goodtime 2 comes built with a resonator that gives it that bright and big bluegrass sound. Made with care and precision, it offers quality and playability in an affordable package for players of all levels.

The Goodtime Special Resonator is also built with Deering’s new Tone Ring, which also gives the banjo its powerfully bright and sparkling tone. The banjo’s volume also wins points with players, and helps students hear themselves better during practice.
The best deals on new banjos.
We focus on American-made banjos due to their exceptional quality and sound. We personally know these American banjo makers and have visited their workshops. Supporting the US economy is important to us.
In addition to the highest quality banjos, when you buy from Banjo.com you’re going to get an instrument that’s been carefully set up and inspected. Our owner, professional musician Barry Waldrep, personally inspects and plays every banjo before they leave Alabama. In your box, you’ll receive a free starter pack and access to free banjo lessons. You’ll have everything you need to get started! If you live in the lower 48 US states, shipping is free!