Artisan Goodtime Banjos by Deering
This Artisan Goodtime series truly represents Greg Deering’s vision for the Deering Banjo Company. This vision is to make the highest quality, best sounding, best looking, and best playing banjos at an affordable price. Players will enjoy upgraded hardware like planetary tuners and these banjo’s rich musical tone and accuracy. The artistic detailing and dark stain make for a gorgeous line of instruments. While replacing the Classic Goodtime, The Artisan Goodtime improves upon the sounds, tone, and overall playability of this line of banjos.
Best-selling Artisan Series banjos include the Artisan Openback, Artisan 2, and Artisan Americana. You’ll recognize these models from the super popular Goodtime by Deering “blonde” series. Even with the upgrades, these banjos are not terribly expensive, especially considering all of the value that is packed into each model.

The stunning new Artisan Goodtime Jr. is four inches shorter than the Artisan Goodtime making it ideal to travel with. Durable and easy to maintain, this banjo is also perfect for children.

The stunning new Artisan Goodtime banjo embodies Greg Deering's lifelong vision for the Deering Banjo Company - to make the best sounding, best playing, best looking, and best value U.S.A. made banjo that he possibly could. It is a never ending quest that Deering pursues every single day.

A beautiful 17 fret tenor banjo that features a rich brown stain, planetary tuners, and a Midnight Maple fingerboard.

A beautiful 19 fret tenor banjo that features a rich brown stain, planetary tuners, and a Midnight Maple fingerboard.

The Goodtime Artisan Americana™ features a 12” rim, which gives the banjo a stronger bass response and a much warmer tone. The fullness and warmth of the larger rim is further enhanced by the addition of a 12” Renaissance head which beautifully complements the banjo both visually and sonically.

With a bluegrass resonator back for projection, the Artisan Goodtime 2Â banjo has a 3-ply violin grade maple rim and produces a bright and clear tone that projects well and is louder than its open back counterpart.

Drawing inspiration from Deering’s widely acclaimed Artisan line of banjos, the A6S-R is designed to be tuned and played like a guitar, opening up a world of musical possibilities. This distinguished instrument charms with its deep dark brown stain, conveying a classic, vintage aesthetic.

The vintage look and vibrant tone of the patented Goodtime Special tone ring set this banjo apart, as clearly louder than the Goodtime Two and great for playing in a band setting.
A beautiful dark-stained openback banjo weighing in at just 6.5 lbs. This banjo could be the best looking, best sounding, best value banjo made by Deering Banjo Company. You’ll love the clear and bright sound the maple used to make this banjo. The Artisan Goodtime also comes in a left-handed option.
Like the Goodtime 2, this banjo features a bluegrass resonator for sound projection. The dark stained maple resonator is beautiful in a durable satin finish.
This banjo is made with a 12” rim instead of the standard 11” rim included with the other models in this series.
Included with this banjo is a patented Deering Goodtime Special Tone Ring. Incredible projection and clarity.
Artisan Goodtime Tenor Banjos
We stock very limited quantities of the Artisan Goodtime 17-fret Tenor, Artisan Goodtime 19-fret Tenor, Artisan Goodtime 2 17-fret Tenor, and Artisan Goodtime Special 17-fret Tenor.
With only 4 strings and fewer frets than other banjos, tenor banjos are known for their sound in traditional old-time jazz and Irish music.
Teachers favorite banjo for their students
Artisan Goodtimes are teacher’s top pick for their students to learn to play because of their musical accuracy, ease of playability, adjustability, and durability.
The best quality of banjo at the best price
Artisan Goodtime banjos are a favorite for beginners because of their affordable price and playability, but also attract more experienced banjo players with their rich tone and sound. Artisan Goodtime banjos are easy to maintain and lightweight enough to travel with. Artisan Goodtime banjos are the best quality of banjo at the best price.